파라과이 선교

파라과이 선교지 정보

관리자 0 4,346 2017.04.30 13:52
★파라과이의 일반현황★

1. 국 명 - 파라과이(Paraguay)
2. 면 적 - 406,752 sq km (157,048 sq miles)
3. 수 도 - 아순시온(Asuncion)
4. 정 체 -
5. 인 구 - 4,642,624명(1993년기준)
6. 인구밀도 - 11.4 per sq km
7.종교상황 - 로마카톨릭(Roman Catholic)
8.언 어 - 스페인어를 쓰며 넓게는 과라니어도 쓰인다. 거의 모든 사람이 두가지언어를 사용한다.
9.GEOGRAPHY - Paraguay is a landlocked country surrounded by Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil, lying some 1440km (900 miles) up the River Paran?from the Atlantic. The River Paraguay, a tributary of the Paran? divides the country into two sharply contrasting regions. The Oriental zone, which covers 159,800 sq km (61,700 sq miles), consists of undulating country intersected by chains of hills rising to about 600m (2000ft), merging into the Mato Grosso Plateau in the north; the Paran?crosses the area in the east and south. East and southeast of Asunci? lie the oldest centres of settlement inhabited by the greater part of the population. This area is bordered to the west by rolling pastures, and to the south by thick primeval forests. The Occidental zone, or Paraguayan Chaco, covers 246,827 sq km (95,300 sq miles). It is a flat alluvial plain, composed mainly of grey clay, which is marked by large areas of permanent swamp in the southern and eastern regions. Apart from a few small settlements, it is sparsely populated.
10.시 차 - Standard Time: GMT - 4
11.전 원 - 220 volts AC, 50Hz를 사용한다.


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